Monday, February 23, 2009

The next train for London, leaving in 42 years

MP Phil Hope and East Midlands Trains Staff
06:37 23 Feburary 2009, Corby Station

I was on the Corby Business Express this morning at 06:57. Apart from a few sporadic services in the 80’s and 90’s this is the first rail service from Corby since the Beeching cuts in 1967 closed the town’s station.

I shared the carriage with Evening Telegraph photographer Alison and MP Phil Hope who has campaigned tirelessly for the service to be restored for years.

The eight car Meridian, which was full and standing by Bedford, pulled into St Pancras International on-time at 07:55.

I look forward to the return journey tonight at 18:00 but fear that it will be rather overcrowded.

A great day for Corby!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Atlassian pull the EditGrid plug

As predicted in my post of January 19th, Team and Concepts Limited, have discontinued sales of EditGrid (though they state that they will continue to support existing customers).

I learnt today that Atlassian will be disabling the EditGrid server used by the Confluence Enterprise Hosted product on March 30th thereby cutting-off customer’s usage of this feature.

My advice to hosted Confluence customers is to start the switch away from the EditGrid macro now (switch to the Office Connector {Viewfile} macro). If you are not already on Confluence V2.10 you should start the upgrade process now!

Good luck.